Source code for ants.core.ants_image

__all__ = ['ANTsImage',

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

    from functools import partialmethod
    HAS_PY3 = True
    HAS_PY3 = False

import inspect

from .. import registration, segmentation, utils, viz
from . import ants_image_io as iio2

_supported_ptypes = {'unsigned char', 'unsigned int', 'float', 'double'}
_supported_dtypes = {'uint8', 'uint32', 'float32', 'float64'}
_itk_to_npy_map = {
    'unsigned char': 'uint8',
    'unsigned int': 'uint32',
    'float': 'float32',
    'double': 'float64'}
_npy_to_itk_map = {
    'uint8': 'unsigned char',
    'uint32':'unsigned int',
    'float32': 'float',
    'float64': 'double'}

[docs]class ANTsImage(object): def __init__(self, pixeltype='float', dimension=3, components=1, pointer=None, is_rgb=False): """ Initialize an ANTsImage Arguments --------- pixeltype : string ITK pixeltype of image dimension : integer number of image dimension. Does NOT include components dimension components : integer number of pixel components in the image pointer : py::capsule (optional) pybind11 capsule holding the pointer to the underlying ITK image object """ ## Attributes which cant change without creating a new ANTsImage object self.pointer = pointer self.pixeltype = pixeltype self.dimension = dimension self.components = components self.has_components = self.components > 1 self.dtype = _itk_to_npy_map[self.pixeltype] self.is_rgb = is_rgb self._pixelclass = 'vector' if self.has_components else 'scalar' self._shortpclass = 'V' if self._pixelclass == 'vector' else '' if is_rgb: self._pixelclass = 'rgb' self._shortpclass = 'RGB' self._libsuffix = '%s%s%i' % (self._shortpclass, utils.short_ptype(self.pixeltype), self.dimension) self.shape = utils.get_lib_fn('getShape%s'%self._libsuffix)(self.pointer) self.physical_shape = tuple([round(sh*sp,3) for sh,sp in zip(self.shape, self.spacing)]) self._array = None @property def spacing(self): """ Get image spacing Returns ------- tuple """ libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('getSpacing%s'%self._libsuffix) return libfn(self.pointer)
[docs] def set_spacing(self, new_spacing): """ Set image spacing Arguments --------- new_spacing : tuple or list updated spacing for the image. should have one value for each dimension Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(new_spacing, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError('arg must be tuple or list') if len(new_spacing) != self.dimension: raise ValueError('must give a spacing value for each dimension (%i)' % self.dimension) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('setSpacing%s'%self._libsuffix) libfn(self.pointer, new_spacing)
@property def origin(self): """ Get image origin Returns ------- tuple """ libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('getOrigin%s'%self._libsuffix) return libfn(self.pointer)
[docs] def set_origin(self, new_origin): """ Set image origin Arguments --------- new_origin : tuple or list updated origin for the image. should have one value for each dimension Returns ------- None """ if not isinstance(new_origin, (tuple, list)): raise ValueError('arg must be tuple or list') if len(new_origin) != self.dimension: raise ValueError('must give a origin value for each dimension (%i)' % self.dimension) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('setOrigin%s'%self._libsuffix) libfn(self.pointer, new_origin)
@property def direction(self): """ Get image direction Returns ------- tuple """ libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('getDirection%s'%self._libsuffix) return libfn(self.pointer)
[docs] def set_direction(self, new_direction): """ Set image direction Arguments --------- new_direction : numpy.ndarray or tuple or list updated direction for the image. should have one value for each dimension Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(new_direction, (tuple,list)): new_direction = np.asarray(new_direction) if not isinstance(new_direction, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('arg must be np.ndarray or tuple or list') if len(new_direction) != self.dimension: raise ValueError('must give a origin value for each dimension (%i)' % self.dimension) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('setDirection%s'%self._libsuffix) libfn(self.pointer, new_direction)
@property def orientation(self): if self.dimension == 3: return self.get_orientation() else: return None
[docs] def view(self, single_components=False): """ Geet a numpy array providing direct, shared access to the image data. IMPORTANT: If you alter the view, then the underlying image data will also be altered. Arguments --------- single_components : boolean (default is False) if True, keep the extra component dimension in returned array even if image only has one component (i.e. self.has_components == False) Returns ------- ndarray """ if self.is_rgb: img = self.rgb_to_vector() else: img = self dtype = img.dtype shape = img.shape[::-1] if img.has_components or (single_components == True): shape = list(shape) + [img.components] libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('toNumpy%s'%img._libsuffix) memview = libfn(img.pointer) return np.asarray(memview).view(dtype = dtype).reshape(shape).view(np.ndarray).T
[docs] def numpy(self, single_components=False): """ Get a numpy array copy representing the underlying image data. Altering this ndarray will have NO effect on the underlying image data. Arguments --------- single_components : boolean (default is False) if True, keep the extra component dimension in returned array even if image only has one component (i.e. self.has_components == False) Returns ------- ndarray """ array = np.array(self.view(single_components=single_components), copy=True, dtype=self.dtype) if self.has_components or (single_components == True): array = np.rollaxis(array, 0, self.dimension+1) return array
[docs] def clone(self, pixeltype=None): """ Create a copy of the given ANTsImage with the same data and info, possibly with a different data type for the image data. Only supports casting to uint8 (unsigned char), uint32 (unsigned int), float32 (float), and float64 (double) Arguments --------- dtype: string (optional) if None, the dtype will be the same as the cloned ANTsImage. Otherwise, the data will be cast to this type. This can be a numpy type or an ITK type. Options: 'unsigned char' or 'uint8', 'unsigned int' or 'uint32', 'float' or 'float32', 'double' or 'float64' Returns ------- ANTsImage """ if pixeltype is None: pixeltype = self.pixeltype if pixeltype not in _supported_ptypes: raise ValueError('Pixeltype %s not supported. Supported types are %s' % (pixeltype, _supported_ptypes)) if self.has_components and (not self.is_rgb): comp_imgs = utils.split_channels(self) comp_imgs_cloned = [comp_img.clone(pixeltype) for comp_img in comp_imgs] return utils.merge_channels(comp_imgs_cloned) else: p1_short = utils.short_ptype(self.pixeltype) p2_short = utils.short_ptype(pixeltype) ndim = self.dimension fn_suffix = '%s%i%s%i' % (p1_short,ndim,p2_short,ndim) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('antsImageClone%s'%fn_suffix) pointer_cloned = libfn(self.pointer) return ANTsImage(pixeltype=pixeltype, dimension=self.dimension, components=self.components, is_rgb=self.is_rgb, pointer=pointer_cloned)
# pythonic alias for `clone` is `copy` copy = clone
[docs] def astype(self, dtype): """ Cast & clone an ANTsImage to a given numpy datatype. Map: uint8 : unsigned char uint32 : unsigned int float32 : float float64 : double """ if dtype not in _supported_dtypes: raise ValueError('Datatype %s not supported. Supported types are %s' % (dtype, _supported_dtypes)) pixeltype = _npy_to_itk_map[dtype] return self.clone(pixeltype)
[docs] def new_image_like(self, data): """ Create a new ANTsImage with the same header information, but with a new image array. Arguments --------- data : ndarray or py::capsule New array or pointer for the image. It must have the same shape as the current image data. Returns ------- ANTsImage """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('data must be a numpy array') if not self.has_components: if data.shape != self.shape: raise ValueError('given array shape (%s) and image array shape (%s) do not match' % (data.shape, self.shape)) else: if (data.shape[-1] != self.components) or (data.shape[:-1] != self.shape): raise ValueError('given array shape (%s) and image array shape (%s) do not match' % (data.shape[1:], self.shape)) return iio2.from_numpy(data, origin=self.origin, spacing=self.spacing, direction=self.direction, has_components=self.has_components)
[docs] def to_file(self, filename): """ Write the ANTsImage to file Args ---- filename : string filepath to which the image will be written """ filename = os.path.expanduser(filename) libfn = utils.get_lib_fn('toFile%s'%self._libsuffix) libfn(self.pointer, filename)
to_filename = to_file
[docs] def apply(self, fn): """ Apply an arbitrary function to ANTsImage. Args ---- fn : python function or lambda function to apply to ENTIRE image at once Returns ------- ANTsImage image with function applied to it """ this_array = self.numpy() new_array = fn(this_array) return self.new_image_like(new_array)
[docs] def abs(self, axis=None): """ Return absolute value of image """ return np.abs(self.numpy())
[docs] def mean(self, axis=None): """ Return mean along specified axis """ return self.numpy().mean(axis=axis)
[docs] def median(self, axis=None): """ Return median along specified axis """ return np.median(self.numpy(), axis=axis)
[docs] def std(self, axis=None): """ Return std along specified axis """ return self.numpy().std(axis=axis)
[docs] def sum(self, axis=None, keepdims=False): """ Return sum along specified axis """ return self.numpy().sum(axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
[docs] def min(self, axis=None): """ Return min along specified axis """ return self.numpy().min(axis=axis)
[docs] def max(self, axis=None): """ Return max along specified axis """ return self.numpy().max(axis=axis)
[docs] def range(self, axis=None): """ Return range tuple along specified axis """ return (self.min(axis=axis), self.max(axis=axis))
[docs] def argmin(self, axis=None): """ Return argmin along specified axis """ return self.numpy().argmin(axis=axis)
[docs] def argmax(self, axis=None): """ Return argmax along specified axis """ return self.numpy().argmax(axis=axis)
[docs] def argrange(self, axis=None): """ Return argrange along specified axis """ amin = self.argmin(axis=axis) amax = self.argmax(axis=axis) if axis is None: return (amin, amax) else: return np.stack([amin, amax]).T
[docs] def flatten(self): """ Flatten image data """ return self.numpy().flatten()
[docs] def nonzero(self): """ Return non-zero indices of image """ return self.numpy().nonzero()
[docs] def unique(self, sort=False): """ Return unique set of values in image """ unique_vals = np.unique(self.numpy()) if sort: unique_vals = np.sort(unique_vals) return unique_vals
## OVERLOADED OPERATORS ## def __add__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array + other return self.new_image_like(new_array) __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array - other return self.new_image_like(new_array) def __rsub__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = other - this_array return self.new_image_like(new_array) def __mul__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array * other return self.new_image_like(new_array) __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array / other return self.new_image_like(new_array) def __pow__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array ** other return self.new_image_like(new_array) def __gt__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array > other return self.new_image_like(new_array.astype('uint8')) def __ge__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array >= other return self.new_image_like(new_array.astype('uint8')) def __lt__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array < other return self.new_image_like(new_array.astype('uint8')) def __le__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array <= other return self.new_image_like(new_array.astype('uint8')) def __eq__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array == other return self.new_image_like(new_array.astype('uint8')) def __ne__(self, other): this_array = self.numpy() if isinstance(other, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, other): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') other = other.numpy() new_array = this_array != other return self.new_image_like(new_array.astype('uint8')) def __getitem__(self, idx): if self._array is None: self._array = self.numpy() if isinstance(idx, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, idx): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') return self._array.__getitem__(idx.numpy().astype('bool')) else: return self._array.__getitem__(idx) def __setitem__(self, idx, value): arr = self.view() if isinstance(idx, ANTsImage): if not image_physical_space_consistency(self, idx): raise ValueError('images do not occupy same physical space') arr.__setitem__(idx.numpy().astype('bool'), value) else: arr.__setitem__(idx, value) def __repr__(self): if self.dimension == 3: s = 'ANTsImage ({})\n'.format(self.orientation) else: s = 'ANTsImage\n' s = s +\ '\t {:<10} : {} ({})\n'.format('Pixel Type', self.pixeltype, self.dtype)+\ '\t {:<10} : {}{}\n'.format('Components', self.components, ' (RGB)' if 'RGB' in self._libsuffix else '')+\ '\t {:<10} : {}\n'.format('Dimensions', self.shape)+\ '\t {:<10} : {}\n'.format('Spacing', tuple([round(s,4) for s in self.spacing]))+\ '\t {:<10} : {}\n'.format('Origin', tuple([round(o,4) for o in self.origin]))+\ '\t {:<10} : {}\n'.format('Direction', np.round(self.direction.flatten(),4)) return s
if HAS_PY3: # Set partial class methods for any functions which take an ANTsImage as the first argument for k, v in utils.__dict__.items(): if callable(v): args = inspect.getfullargspec(getattr(utils,k)).args if (len(args) > 0) and (args[0] in {'img','image','cropped_image'}): setattr(ANTsImage, k, partialmethod(v)) for k, v in registration.__dict__.items(): if callable(v): args = inspect.getfullargspec(getattr(registration,k)).args if (len(args) > 0) and (args[0] in {'img','image'}): setattr(ANTsImage, k, partialmethod(v)) for k, v in segmentation.__dict__.items(): if callable(v): args = inspect.getfullargspec(getattr(segmentation,k)).args if (len(args) > 0) and (args[0] in {'img','image'}): setattr(ANTsImage, k, partialmethod(v)) for k, v in viz.__dict__.items(): if callable(v): args = inspect.getfullargspec(getattr(viz,k)).args if (len(args) > 0) and (args[0] in {'img','image'}): setattr(ANTsImage, k, partialmethod(v)) class Dictlist(dict): def __setitem__(self, key, value): try: self[key] except KeyError: super(Dictlist, self).__setitem__(key, []) self[key].append(value)
[docs]def copy_image_info(reference, target): """ Copy origin, direction, and spacing from one antsImage to another ANTsR function: `antsCopyImageInfo` Arguments --------- reference : ANTsImage Image to get values from. target : ANTsImAGE Image to copy values to Returns ------- ANTsImage Target image with reference header information """ target.set_origin(reference.origin) target.set_direction(reference.direction) target.set_spacing(reference.spacing) return target
[docs]def set_origin(image, origin): """ Set origin of ANTsImage ANTsR function: `antsSetOrigin` """ image.set_origin(origin)
[docs]def get_origin(image): """ Get origin of ANTsImage ANTsR function: `antsGetOrigin` """ return image.origin
[docs]def set_direction(image, direction): """ Set direction of ANTsImage ANTsR function: `antsSetDirection` """ image.set_direction(direction)
[docs]def get_direction(image): """ Get direction of ANTsImage ANTsR function: `antsGetDirection` """ return image.direction
[docs]def set_spacing(image, spacing): """ Set spacing of ANTsImage ANTsR function: `antsSetSpacing` """ image.set_spacing(spacing)
[docs]def get_spacing(image): """ Get spacing of ANTsImage ANTsR function: `antsGetSpacing` """ return image.spacing
[docs]def image_physical_space_consistency(image1, image2, tolerance=1e-2, datatype=False): """ Check if two or more ANTsImage objects occupy the same physical space ANTsR function: `antsImagePhysicalSpaceConsistency` Arguments --------- *images : ANTsImages images to compare tolerance : float tolerance when checking origin and spacing data_type : boolean If true, also check that the image data types are the same Returns ------- boolean true if images share same physical space, false otherwise """ images = [image1, image2] img1 = images[0] for img2 in images[1:]: if (not isinstance(img1, ANTsImage)) or (not isinstance(img2, ANTsImage)): raise ValueError('Both images must be of class `AntsImage`') # image dimension check if img1.dimension != img2.dimension: return False # image spacing check space_diffs = sum([abs(s1-s2)>tolerance for s1, s2 in zip(img1.spacing, img2.spacing)]) if space_diffs > 0: return False # image origin check origin_diffs = sum([abs(s1-s2)>tolerance for s1, s2 in zip(img1.origin, img2.origin)]) if origin_diffs > 0: return False # image direction check origin_diff = np.allclose(img1.direction, img2.direction, atol=tolerance) if not origin_diff: return False # data type if datatype == True: if img1.pixeltype != img2.pixeltype: return False if img1.components != img2.components: return False return True
[docs]def image_type_cast(image_list, pixeltype=None): """ Cast a list of images to the highest pixeltype present in the list or all to a specified type ANTsR function: `antsImageTypeCast` Arguments --------- image_list : list/tuple images to cast pixeltype : string (optional) pixeltype to cast to. If None, images will be cast to the highest precision pixeltype found in image_list Returns ------- list of ANTsImages given images casted to new type """ if not isinstance(image_list, (list,tuple)): raise ValueError('image_list must be list of ANTsImage types') pixtypes = [] for img in image_list: pixtypes.append(img.pixeltype) if pixeltype is None: pixeltype = 'unsigned char' for p in pixtypes: if p == 'double': pixeltype = 'double' elif (p=='float') and (pixeltype!='double'): pixeltype = 'float' elif (p=='unsigned int') and (pixeltype!='float') and (pixeltype!='double'): pixeltype = 'unsigned int' out_images = [] for img in image_list: if img.pixeltype == pixeltype: out_images.append(img) else: out_images.append(img.clone(pixeltype)) return out_images
[docs]def allclose(image1, image2): """ Check if two images have the same array values """ return np.allclose(image1.numpy(), image2.numpy())